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Welcome to Enlighten Ink! We are Tom Biesanz and Janet Jacobsen, a happily married couple living in beautiful Santa Barbara, California. We created this e-store because we have experienced the power of words, images and humor to lighten, brighten and enlighten our lives and we want to share that with others.

We met in 1999 in a Conscious Loving workshop given by Gay and Katie Hendricks, and we then apprenticed with them for over two years. We've used what we learned there, as well as in our over 30 years of individual personal growth work, to create a loving, playful, spiritual relationship that just keeps getting better and better. We will be sharing more in future books about how we created and maintain a thriving relationship.

Jan has been successfully selling her arts and crafts at the Sunday Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts show for the past 25 years. She has greatly enjoyed experiencing peoples delighted reactions to the unique wit and whimsy of her creations. The arts and crafts you see at this website were created by Jan.

Tom has been following his passion which led him to his life with Jan in Santa Barbara. He has also written and published EZ Times Table which shows his new math system based on patterns that kids enjoy while they are learning. His passion has moved him to create this web site doing all the photography and being the webmaster for EnlightenInk.  He did this on his new Mac along with sites for his EZ Times Table book and his work with Dick Olney, the founder of Self Acceptance Training. Links to both are below.


We will never share your information with a third party.   We offer Paypal as a secure way to buy our products.
This protects the buyer and allow you to pay securely (https) with credit cards as well as a paypal account. Feel free to call us and skip online purchasing.  Tom & Jan: 805-967-0469

EZ Times Table web site
Tom's Math book site
Alive and Real featuring the Self Acceptance Training (SAT) work of Dick Olney and edited by Thomas Biesanz